I LOVE Reader Input 🥰

I’ve said this before…and I’ll ask for forgiveness in advance because I probably won’t stop. 

Reader input is the most wonderful, unexpected joy in writing. 

My mom’s story IS complicated, and a dear reader recently wondered if I could challenge myself to create a new graphic – one that might depict the messy ‘soup’ that was my mom’s life along with all the ups and downs I experienced with her. “She WAS unique – your mom – there’s so much in your story.” Umm…yes. Unique.

I felt a wave of inspiration which resulted in some fun tinkering to try to capture Sue ‘at a glance’. I’m not a designer, but I love mind-mapping and the image (above) is where I landed.

Early feedback (as a result of posting this in “Reader Resources” on my consulting site)? Sometimes a picture IS worth more than words – at least when you’re trying to convey an overview.

Ever grateful for readership and support. Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Vicki 🥰

Vicki’s consulting website: www.atkinsongroupsolutions.com

Sharing the Heart of the Matter Podcast

55 responses to “I LOVE Reader Input 🥰”

  1. Thanks for sharing these images. Anita

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  2. Quite an array. Something for everyone? It does fit your mom, sadly, and also offers a sense of that which you overcame, Vicki.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You know me…yes! It was a little daunting to put it all together in one image. A snapshot of complexity that I sometimes overlook when I think about Sue’s life and mine with her. Thanks for that, Dr. Stein. 💕


  3. I love the mind mapping that takes you from fear to love. Better that than the other way around, right? But then, dear Vicki, you have become an expert in finding and sharing love, perhaps in part thanks to your horrendous experience of finding your way through the muddle of your mom’s mind and replacing it with clarity within your own instead. ❤️

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    1. Yay! You navigated the map! Love you, Jules. Yes, yes. I have Wynne to thank for that line ‘fear into love’. It’s so applicable to so many challenges in life…and you know what I mean. Sending love and Valentine’s Day hugs to you. 🥰💕🥰

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      1. Valentine hugs back to you dear Vicki! 🥰🥰🥰

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  4. Mind maps are always cool beans in my estimation. I like the one you’ve created. Well done. And because this is the day to say it: Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Right back at you, Ally Bean…my design queen. I’ll take that nod from you — thank you very much. I chuckle every time I’m working in Canva and see design templates with pretty ‘tealish’ overtones. I smile and think – ‘that’s Ally’s teal’. In my head, you own a color. How’s that!?! 🥰😜🥰

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  5. Mind maps are pretty amazing! Sue was incredibly complex, yet your graphic really does a great job of capturing those key elements that made her who she was. Brilliantly done! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yay! Thanks, Erin. That means a lot. I think I avoided doing a ‘snapshot’ look at Sue because I needed time to sort it out in my head…and heart. Appreciate you! 🥰

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    1. Thanks, dear Beth! 🥰

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  6. Wow! What a graphic! Well done!
    And Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww! Thank you, Nancy! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too. 🥰❤️🥰

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  7. I think you captured your mother’s personality and life in your mind mapping. I haven’t heard that phrase before.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! Oh – sorry about throwing that phrase around. It’s one of my favorite teaching/therapeutic tools. I should’ve explained. 🥰😉🥰

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  8. A powerful image Vicki. One of my takeaway’s: how much power fear, anxiety, and depression have in our lives. Of course, I also come away with the need for love to overcome it all. Very cool graphic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so kind, Brian! Thank you. It means a lot to know my little infographic is digestible, makes sense. Xo! 🥰


      1. I love the tools you have on your site for readers. I think a great idea to help others process and work through some of their own experiences.

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        1. Thank you so much for taking a look, Brian. Additional insights and ideas from you are always welcome! You KNOW things! 🥰😉🥰


          1. You’re the graphic designer. I think you should check with your publisher about a side gig as a designer. I work with designers and I couldn’t come up with what you come up with.

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            1. Bahahaha! That’s funny. Thanks for the wonderful compliment but really I’m just a goof figuring things out. 😜

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  9. Please, never call an abuser ‘unique’ that’s an insult to everybody who stands out. “Unique” has a positive meaning. Mona Lisa is unique, so is Vincent van Gogh. Nobody uses the word ‘unique’ for people like Hitler, Stalin, Jack the Ripper. Evil is not unique at least not in my books. My mother was an abuser, she certainly wasn’t unique.


    1. Thank you for sharing your perspective, Bridget.


  10. Mind mapping graphic – well done! Wishing you a beautiful day Valentine Day filled with love and happiness. Hugs to sweet Lisa too!💖💖💖

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Mary. I will be sure to give Lisa big hug from you! Happy Valentine’s Day right back to you! 🥰

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  11. Reader feedback is so good – as is your mind map. Brilliant! Love it! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for that, Wynne. Sue had a lot of facets – challenging and charming but definitely troubled. My hope is that the “map” presents all of that accurately – or as much as I can do so in an image. 🥰

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  12. Happy Valentine’s Day Vicki! I hope you’re having a wonderful day.

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    1. Thank you, dear Michelle. Yes — hope the same for you! 🥰

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  13. I find it incredible how open and generous a heart you have after dealing with and fielding so much trauma for your entire life. The mind-map adds clarity to the picture but it doesn’t tell the story. Only you can do that and you’ve done it with such grace and generosity. Happy Valentine’s Day my friend, hugs, C

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are so kind…and astute. Seeing that all of the vulnerability is still right there…at the surface…even now. Grateful for your friendship, dear Cheryl. ❤️xo

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  14. A lovely bit of art that illustrates how you converted fear to love. Beautiful Vicki! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhh…that means a lot coming from you, my talented friend. You have such a keen sense of visual art and design. Xo! 🥰

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      1. I play around and enjoy design in many forms, though I’m not sure if I’m talented in this regard. Thanks though. Appreciate that Vicki! 💕

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        1. You are far too modest! I’ve missed your beautiful videos but appreciate how time consuming they must be to create. 🥰❤️🥰

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          1. They definitely are time consuming. And I will create more, as time allows. Though probably not on a regular basis. There is so much to do and explore in life. 🥰

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            1. Cheers to that! Enjoy yourself in every way. 🥰❤️🥰

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              1. Thanks Vicki! You too. 💕🥰

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  15. A picture does tell a thousand words. What a great infographic, Vicki!


    1. Ohhh….i appreciate your kind words! Thanks, Ab! 🥰

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  16. For not being a designer, I think your mind-mapping experiment is a huge success!


    1. Praise accepted — thank you so much, Mark! 🥰

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  17. Thank you so very much!

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  18. Very powerful image. And great idea!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dear Vickie. I appreciate your feedback! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

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“Surviving Sue”, a special story about resiliency and love: Eckhartz Press (paperback) and eBook on Amazon.

Peek Inside “Surviving Sue

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