Surround Me Now

Today marks the 27th anniversary of my dad, Sonny’s passing. Living with loss is one of the life’s greatest achievements, I think. Not a day goes by without thinking about my dad – for one reason or another.

Every year he consumes my thoughts when June 10 rolls around. Sometimes fleeting glimpses of silly moments or heavier instances of sharing our lives with Sue…my mom, his wife…the one who stirred life up, over and over again. 

After my dad passed away Sue descended more than he would ever have imagined. The loss of him on top of all the other pain she carried throughout her life was an unrecoverable blow.

While I think about my dad every day, I buckle up on June 10, wondering and waiting for a memory, a sense of him to arrive.

This morning did not disappoint.  I can’t say I understand. I can’t say I’m evolved enough spiritually to comprehend, but I’ll take messages in any form, any day from my dear dad.  

This anniversary brought a trio of tear-inducing moments.  It’s only 8:00 a.m. here but I feel like I’ve experienced a day like no other already. Because of my awareness and mindfulness of him? Something more bringing him close?  I don’t know.

Who am I to judge?

Here are those moments, feeling the sense of him this morning:

  1. My dad was a stickler about accurate time pieces. He loved watches and had clocks all over the house and was a careful steward of time. Never late because punctuality was a virtue. Overnight? Four clocks that run on batteries in our house died.  The kitchen clock that’s my constant companion, reminding me to move it when I linger too long over coffee.  The clock I’m looking at right now in my office. The one I use to play my grown-up version of ‘beat the clock’ when I need to accomplish a task that I’d rather avoid.  I can do anything for 30 minutes…or an hour…I tell myself as I glance at my wall clock and say, “go”. The clock in the basement above Paul’s workbench. The one I glance at as I begin my workouts, made by his father, Joe. (Maybe he’s getting in on the attention-getting act, too?) And lastly, the bedside clock in the guest room where my sweet sister Lisa’s sleeps when she visits. Two of the four clocks got an “AA” refresh just a month or so ago – the clock in my office and in Lisa’s room. The curiousness of all four failing – in places where I routinely lay my eyes to keep track of time – on a day of remembrance?  I dunno. But I like it. Except for the extra task of fetching fresh batteries around here on a busy Monday morning.
  2. Our cherry tree is giving us a bumper crop this year and so far, none of our deer friends have discovered the juicy morsels, all ripe and yummy, descending from heavy branches. Until this morning. Rarely do we see a baby buck, a young guy with his antlers still fluffy and fuzzy but a little dude greeted Paul and I a few minutes ago.  The gentle boy looked at us, looking at him and held our gaze for an inordinately long time.  Then, rather than turning his attention back to the fruit, he ambled forward, closer to our deck and stood just five feet from us, examining us up and down.  We stared and stood – just as he did for a full minute. Paul and I were both afraid to breathe or move, for fear of spooking our friend. I wanted to grab my phone, just an arm length’s away to capture the moment, but I dared not.  Our friend blinked, cocked his head at us and turned, scampering away and into the field.  My dad always said if he could be an animal in another life, he’d be a big buck with fantastic, commanding antlers.  Well, this new guy might be a few years from having that stature, but he’s on his way. And if Sonny sent him to say hello, how fantastic would that be?
  3. And lastly. I’m late to the party – often – when it comes to good music. The older I get, the less capable I am of holding back tears when a song goes straight to the heart.  This morning?  I didn’t make it through my spin class because a song, Big & Rich’s “Holy Water” leveled me.  It’s not new-new…just new to me.  I think it was released twenty years ago, but the harmony and lyrics prompted instant tears.  If you needed me to feel your presence, your essence, dear dad, mission accomplished. The lyrics are magical and the chorus? Wow.  

She says take me away
Then take me farther
Surround me now
And hold, hold, hold me
Like Holy Water
Holy Water

That’s it. That’s all I’ve got. My morning’s been derailed in the best possible way and I thought I’d better sit down and share. Thanks for letting me.

Vicki 🥰

78 responses to “Surround Me Now”

  1. Here’s to the memories of your dad and your current signs of his presence and never having left you ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You make me smile, Beth! Thank you so much. 🥰

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  2. I understand the peculiar range of emotions that can flood into you on the anniversary dates of your parents’ passing. I know the days are coming, but I never know what kind of head space I’ll be in when the day arrives. Some years I’m mellow, other years I go down sadder paths, or sometimes angry ones. Feel the feels, I suppose is my comment. 💐

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for that, Ally. You captured my frame of mind this morning perfectly. Ally-style, “feel the feels” and go with it. xo, dear one! 🥰

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  3. Wow!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ah, John. Love you to pieces. Thanks for the “Wow”, my friend! xo! 🥰

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  4. Thanks for sharing, Victoria. That song has me tearing up too. I like to believe in signs, and if it brings you comfort, why not? I’d say your time-keeping father had a heck of a sense of humour. Hugs to you today.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Love you, VJ. Thanks for all of that…and hugs back to you, my big-hearted friend. 💕

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  5. Sonny definitely came to you Vicki. He’s made his presence felt. His energy surrounds you. He knew you’d be thinking of him even more today and he showed up. Dates and time aren’t relevant for him anymore in his dimension and so he stopped your clocks. It’s love. It’s all love. That was my first thought this morning. And it’s obvious you felt it. Sonny is right there loving you! 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh dear…more tears. Thank you so much for your generous endorsement of what my heart wants to believe. “It’s love. It’s all love.” Words that I’ll carry with me today. Big hugs! 🥰🥰🥰

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      1. The magic is there. You’ve already found it. Have a beautiful day Vicki. 💕

        Liked by 2 people

        1. You, too dear one — you, too! Thank you for your beautiful words. 🥰

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  6. Yes, Vicki, your morning was derailed in the best possible way, for the best possible reason. And, yes, your Dad is there with you; you have my word on that! 🥰

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    1. Oh, Jane. I’m a lucky duck to be blessed by friends like you! Thank you so much. Big hugs! 🥰

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  7. Oh Victoria, you have such a way with words. I can read about your dad and feel like I was a part of your family. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Rachel….that’s the loveliest thing you could say to me! I’m so glad to know he “comes through”. Such a big-hearted personality. I worry I don’t do him justice when I write about him. He’d adore you, btw and your beautiful baked goods. I can tell you that, for sure! He was my best “sampler” and taste-tester! 🥰🥰🥰

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sending a big virtual hug 🥰

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  8. Bless you on this day of memories, Vicki.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Joy…thank you for that. YOU my friend are an enormous blessing. 🥰

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  9. drgeraldstein Avatar

    A lovely experience. Fathers have an outsized impact. The Sonny/Buck Effect? Your call, Vicki!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love that. Yes – an “outsized”…super-sized…. impact? Yes, indeed! 🥰

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  10. Thank you Vicki for sharing this. Such great memories and some validation for us who also see feel things and wonder if there is more than coincidence behind them.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for reading, Michael and joining me in that wonderment! 🥰

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  11. Lovely thoughts about your dad Vicki. We are all so individual in how and when and why we remember. June is also the month that my dad passed and while I have not marked the specific day for many years there are nudges and moments that serve to remind me… a word that he was fond of that I have adopted into my personal lexicon. Digging in my own small toolbox for a needed item always triggers memories of dad who never went anywhere without his sturdy red box. My oldest daughters growing affinity for the deer and elk she encounters while trekking through the hills of Colorado- thankfully without a gun, which was characteristic of her grandfather and his love of hunting… I would offer this personal POV that makes sense to me- it may or may not be that those we have lost return at times, but we as the ones remaining keep their presence surrounding us with our memories of the place(s) they held in our lives.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love your POV, Deb and I feel that way. Part of our job is remembering, keeping them close with memories of things like your dad’s red toolbox or a love of deer. Being aware. Just as you said – those “nudges and moments”. Thank you so much, my friend. xo! 🥰

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  12. Oh that’s beautiful Vicki. Why of course your dad would want to stop by and say hello today. Makes sense to me. Yes, these anniversaries can bring on a myriad of emotions. You hang in there and as a friend used to encourage “feel all of the feels.” 😎😎

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love those words…encouragement to feel it all…thanks so much, Brian! 🥰

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  13. Ah, the ripples of your sharing and Sonny’s touch are beautiful. Enough to stop time. I love that each one of these moments had you stopping to feel and remember. Beautiful! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Wynne…and I love that you shared lessons and memories this morning, too. Goodness in three parts. It must be a theme today. 🥰

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  14. I know what this feels like. For me it’s a different date, and Mother’s Day, and her birthday… but yeah.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for that, David. Feelings that unite all of us, I suspect. 💕

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  15. Our long-gone love ones are ever-present, aren’t they, Vicki? Beautiful tribute to your dear dad. 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hugs to you, dear one! Thank you for that. 💕🥰💕

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  16. Oh, I would say you are spiritually evolved enough to understand, Vicki! I am living alongside you on the same wavelength currently as June 8th was the 7th anniversary of my mother’s passing. Tears every night before I can sleep. Hugs!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for that, Sheila. Deep feelers are we…isn’t that the truth. Big hugs back to you…. especially given the recent anniversary of your mom’s passing. 💕💕💕

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      1. We are deep feelers for sure, Vicki. I believe our parents are watching and very proud of us. Thank you for the hugs!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You bet, dear one. 🥰❤️🥰

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          1. Time pieces were the first indicators to me also, that my parents were still’with me’ after they passed.

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            1. No kidding? That’s fantastic! 🥰❤️🥰

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  17. The clocks failing is weird. But it seems all three events were Sonny making his presence known to you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! We’re now officially out of “AA” batteries! 🥰

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    1. Oh — thank you for sharing! ❤️

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  18. I love hearing stories like these, and the clocks gave me goosebumps! I 100% believe your dad was behind that.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww…thanks, Mark. You and I could trade spooky stories all day. Love that! 🥰

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  19. I really loved this post, Vicki. It’s so honest and in the moment. I was with you standing and staring at the young buck. It was absolutely a sign, as were the clocks stopping. That’s quite amazing, actually. I feel like I know your dad a little bit since reading your book, and his love and concern for you shines through. He understood everything. I’m so sorry it’s a somber day, but you took the messages he sent, and they made you feel better. 💕😍

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! I think we have some kindred bits between us, don’t we? I loved, loved, loved your post about the DeLorean…such a rich reminder to believe. xo, dear Melanie! 🥰

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      1. Aww, thanks, Vicki. Yes, I do believe (although I’m not sure of its origin), but I knew I was validated when reading The Alchemist. It’s all about signs appearing in our lives. 😊 One just has to be open to it to see it, and you are. ❤️

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Oh…the Alchemist. A favorite from my teaching days. Thanks for bringing the smile, Melanie! 🥰

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  20. Oh these are beautiful, Vicki. And I agree with your take that these three signs were your dad telling you that he was with you on this special and important anniversary.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Love and hugs to you, Ab! Thank you! 🥰

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  21. I am so sorry! I said a prayer for you and hope you a good day. I understand it is not a good day to have especially with Father’s Day near! I have been experiencing issues this year as well, but it has only been four years without my dad! I think it is because he died in September 2020 and now that everything is okay from how it was back then with COVID it is just becoming real as well I am learning to embrace my emotions better after reading “Untangle your emotions!” by Jenny Allen too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello, Karen! Thank you so much for your kindness. ❤️ I’m sorry you’ve lost your father as well. Take care — thank you for reading and for your lovely comment. ❤️

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  22. Such a beautiful tribute to your Dad Vickie! How wonderful to have a father you adored so much. He id definitely with you and love the song you paired with your words💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are making me smile, Cindy! Thank you for your kindness. 🥰❤️🥰

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      1. It’s a pleasure, Vickie😇😇

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  23. petespringerauthor Avatar

    Wishing you many happy memories of your dad, Vicki. It sounds like in a lot of ways he was the glue that held Sue’s broken life together.

    I can relate to being moved to tears more easily as I’ve gotten older. They usually come during sappy movies rather than music. I was almost certain I would start balling when I had to make a speech during the reception following my daughter-in-law and son’s wedding. I didn’t trust myself, so I wrote it in advance and read it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Pete. You are ever insightful about the nuances. My dad WAS the glue. Yes, yes. And I’m tickled to know your emotions run close to the surface, too. Gratitude, I think. Life is precious! 🥰❤️🥰

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  24. Here’s to Sonny. He will always live on in your heart. And I believe seeing that buck today was no coincidence. Hugs Vicki! 🤗

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    1. Good morning, Michelle! Thank you so much. 🥰🥰🥰

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  25. I’m so sorry for your loss, Vicki, and how much pain it still brings you. But as you well know, grief is a long process and there are opportunities for growth and new discoveries, and having open hearts almost never leads us wrong. Thanks for sharing your moments, and a beautiful song. Be well. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Diana…thank you so much for stopping by and sharing those loving thoughts. Much appreciated…sending big hugs your way! 🥰

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  26. The clock part of the trio of happenings made me smile. What a wild, tricky thing to greet you in the morning! And the other two parts of the trio are heartwarming. I admire how you write of family. How the memories are kept vibrant. And how you make connections with what’s going on in your life. Thanks for sharing these with us readers 🌞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Life is full of magic and mystery, isn’t it? You know that so well, my talented writer, artist, illustrator friend! Speaking of which…I just got my copy of Felicia Day’s “Unleash Your Weird”. Thanks for the recommendation! More to follow after I read. Wynne and I are intrigued! 🥰

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      1. I definitely agree about the magic and mystery! Much richness to bring joy. And I hope you like the book!

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        1. Thanks, Dave! 🥰

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  27. Thank you Vicki, (for being vulnerable and allowing us into your relationship with your dad. Lots of serendipity wrapped up here. My dad would have turned 92 on June 10th. He went home to be with the Lord, about 3 weeks ago. This afternoon, local Christian radio station DJ asked people to share thing their dad’s had taught them. I never do this, but sent the radio station a text… told them, dad told me to “look people in the eye, have a firm handshake, and be a man of my word.” DJ was going to share it on the air he texted back. (I didn’t get to hear it, because of something @ work) Hugs to you as you celebrate your dad. DM

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Morning, Doug! Thank you so much for reading and for your wonderful comment. I love that we both have reasons to remember our fathers on June 10. Keeping them close in our memories — and gosh! You sure did that with your message to the DJ about your dad’s wisdom. So good! Three things to hold on to that work well in every generation. Eye contact, a firm handshake and being true to your word. Your dad must’ve been an amazing man. Thanks much for sharing with me. xo! 💕

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  28. How miraculous ❤


    1. Thank you, Kath. xo! 💕

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  29. What a morning! That clock thing 🤯

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    1. I know, right!?! It’s taken us days to get them fixed…so bizarre about the cranky clocks not liking certain batteries. Paul the engineer was baffled! 😜

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  30. […] It’s been a week of wacky wonderment with the crazy shenanigans on the anniversary of my dad’s passing (which I wrote about here). […]


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