Smiley Face Mystery – Rewind!

It’s been a week of wacky wonderment with the crazy shenanigans on the anniversary of my dad’s passing (which I wrote about here).

A sweet reader friend reminded me of a post from last year – nearly to the day, June 16, 2023 – when I wrote about a suspicious smiley face. I figured her memory made this post rewind-worthy. Here it comes. (And in case you’re wondering, keeping up with the dust around the house – given how much we love having the windows open? My nemesis. Daily.)

A Smiley Face Mystery

Originally posted on June 16, 2023

It’s a mystery, for sure.  Our kitchen/downstairs remodeling fun continues and we’re making…err, I should say our carpenter, plumber, designer, electrician friends…are making good progress.  Next week we might see an installation of countertops.  Woohoo!

Meanwhile, we’ve been roughing it with a makeshift kitchenette in our old laundry room and the hubster’s office became the landing zone for kitchen equipment, and all sorts of stuff, especially the big bulky items like pots and pans that we didn’t want to lug down to the basement. 

Housekeeping while under construction has been spotty.  I’m trying to keep my ‘zones’ – my workspace and our bedroom and bathrooms shipshape, but the amount of dust and grime generated, on the daily, has been significant.  If I were inclined toward meteorology (and I’m not) I bet we could’ve measured the ‘dustfall’ in ways similar to snowfall.  No, not in inches, per se, but definitely in the ‘dusting’ (wink!) and ‘accumulation’ categories.

The image I’ve snipped in above?  It’s from the hubs’ office.  A few times…LOL…lie…I’ve asked if he might dust off the grime on the credenza behind his desk.  I mean, it can’t be a good thing to inhale all of that, right?  He dismisses me and I know I should just ignore him/it, or give in and dust his office, but I haven’t done either. 

I can’t avoid walking through his space altogether because my parents’ urns and that of our sweet little pupster, Sadie, sit behind a glass cabinet in hubs’ office.  It seemed like a secure place for them (along with the pots and pans?) during construction and every morning I walk in to greet them, per Lisa (my disabled sister’s request) to say good morning.  Every morning.  When Lisa calls each evening at 6pm, inevitably she asks if I remembered to “Say hello to mom, dad and Sadie” that morning.  You get the picture.  I don’t mind, so as the coffee’s brewing, with one eye open, the greeting is part of my routine.

This morning?  Even in the dim light at 5:30 a.m., I detected a little graffiti on the credenza.  I stooped down to take a look and then turned on a light because I figured I was imagining what I saw.  Nope.  Right there, clear as could be, sat a silly smile…the kind you see on the rear window of a car in desperate need of a bath.  What did I do?  I smiled back, of course and carried on, saying hello to the parents and the pup.

When the hubster rolled downstairs, I thanked him for the smile, asking him if it was a precursor to actually dusting.  A good omen, perhaps?  He stared at me.  Not just the ‘it’s too early, don’t ask me to respond yet’ stare but the blankest of blank looks.  So, we played show and tell as I ushered him into his office, pointing to the smiley face.  No reaction.  He figured I did it – as a tease to torment him, smiley face style and shame him into cleaning.

I know when he’s joking around and when he’s not.  He didn’t do it.  And honestly, it’s not his brand of humor.  So…the plot thickens.  Not me, not the hubs.  Maybe one of our remodeling friends?  I could inquire, but then I’m literally pointing out the schlocky housekeeping.  You know where my mind is going.  The urns.  Mom and dad…Sue and Sonny…plotting some hijinks?  Sending a message that their current view is less than desirable and a little too dust-borne? 

While I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation and one that doesn’t involve anything too paranormal, I’m not gonna investigate further.  Even though parts of the house are a biohazard right now, I’m digging the unexplained smirk.  It’ll be gone soon as we’re shuffling stuff around but for now…I’m all smiles.

Vicki 😉

32 responses to “Smiley Face Mystery – Rewind!”

  1. A great way to embrace the ordinary day to day activities with his purpose!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Karen! 🥰


  2. That smiley face mystery hits home with me. I walked into our casita and there was a smiley face on the window. Somebody drew it outside. After my daughter returned from Europe, she stayed in our casita. The next weekend we had friends from Palm Springs in the casita. So it had to be one of them — or the wildlife in our back yard? You must be so thrilled to have your remodel done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhhh – I love the casita mystery! 🥰 And yes!! So happy with our kitchen. Grateful! ❤️ Thanks, Elizabeth!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m happy for you with a new kitchen! The casita smiley face was a comment about my not so clean window! Hopefully it was my daughter and not my friends 😅


        1. Oh…and an extra LOL! I mean…it’s hard to keep up, right? I don’t know where all the dust comes from. xo! 😜

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          1. I think with guests coming and going I was more focused on clean sheets and dusting the inside!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I hear you! Your casita is quite the destination! Honestly, you must feel like you’re running a B&B sometimes! 🥰


              1. Guests come in waves, but most of the time it’s my quiet writing space. My husband and I are sleeping in the casita because our AC in the Master Bedroom went out. We’re waiting for parts to arrive next week. It’s been over 100 degrees outside! I’m grateful for the casita 😊

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Oh no! So good that you have that extra space to keep cool! 🥰

                  Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh I couldn’t love this more! It was absolutely Sue and Sonny! I’m smiling too. My sweet mom passed away today and I’m going in search of a smiley face. Sending you some sweet love Vicki. Hugs, C

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohh…oh. Big hugs back to you today, Cheryl. 💕💕💕


  4. Insert spooky music here. Ha, ha, you need to get your best detective on the caper. Who put Mr. Smiley face to work. Ha, ha, I remember this post Vicki. Love it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Brian! It’s the wacky gift that keeps on giving! 😜

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  5. I respectfully disagree with you and your hope that this “doesn’t involve anything too paranormal.” I’m hoping that though this happened a year ago there is still a bit of a paranormal vibe about it whenever you walk by where it was. 😳

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ohhh – you are the wise one! There WAS a reason why this post from a year ago popped to mind! Yes – a convo with a reader friend as we discussed another odd thing that happened in the same space! Argh! Gotta decide if I tell anyone else! Xo, Ally the intuitive. 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love this post. Love, love, love it! So glad to see it again – made me smile all over again! 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww! Thanks, Mary Wynne! 🥰

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  7. Au contraire, this is the type of thing that can only involve the paranormal (at least in my mind). I hope you’ll write about the other incident!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aha! You WOULD like it! 😜

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  8. petespringerauthor Avatar

    I remember this delightful story. Who doesn’t like a good mystery? Did you ever solve it? I have wondered when I see a dusty car with the message “wash me” how often that is done by their family or friends compared to a stranger?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that you remember! And nope — never solved the mystery! Thanks for being the wondering type with me! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

  9. drgeraldstein Avatar

    If your house is haunted, much good luck. Smiles might only be the first step in an invasion of strangeness. But the good news is that you can take the ghosts off on your next income tax return.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m laughing out loud — really out loud. Can you hear me? Hmmmm….apparitions…claiming them as dependents. Great idea! Thanks for the morning chuckle, Dr. Stein! 🥰

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  10. That is a lovely smile! I wonder if it’s related to that photo story you shared before!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I remember this! Which means I’ve been following you for at least a year. My how time flies. And you never figured out how it got there?? I remember this really bugged me. Haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nope no clue! And hey! Happy Friendaversary? 😜❤️😜

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      1. Somewhere around there. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  12. My face is also smiling! XOXO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Thanks, Vickie! Happy Monday, my friend. 🥰❤️🥰

      Liked by 1 person

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