The Mismatch: Words and Deeds

I haven’t shared much about my poetry practice here on Victoria Ponders but it’s a part of my life and a tool that I return to for reflection and resolution.

I love a good ‘free write’ and while I’ve written about other poetry in the past, taking a few minutes to allow a stanza or two to flow, unprompted, is almost always restorative. A different type of ‘meditative moment’.

Why the leaning into poetry this week? I had two difficult conversations recently with people who thought they were managing me. I could detect nuances of truth behind a scripted veil of detachment… and I was disconcerted to say the least.

One of the characteristics I value most is authenticity and while I might be bamboozled from time to time, I trust my gut when it comes to manipulative folks. Mostly I don’t have time for them and as I tend to my reactions, especially the incongruence between words and deeds, I’ve learned I can move on.

In my head and heart, I retrieve my handy spotlight and take a gander at the interaction in question. Hit replay and rewind. See the situation, listen to the words, recall the details. And often? Writing it out helps to put punctuation to the experience so I can carry on. Here’s the piece I wrote this week:

The Mismatch

Fraught with malaise and feeling less

I push forward with purpose, striving for more

And I find my footing despite the duress

I challenge my thoughts, try to restore

The calm. The calm I can claim but it’s just out of reach

I stretch with resolve, despite the discord

The naysayers and critics who hide behind smiles

Slithery and practiced, well-chosen words

That dissolve into spite behind silent doors

I grasp for kindness, wanting to believe

But honesty cloaked is always deceit

Thanks for reading…here’s to the care and keeping of YOU however you get there. Poetry sometimes does it for me and I adore a good ‘last line’…‘honesty cloaked is always deceit’ was the conclusion I sought.

Vicki ❤

48 responses to “The Mismatch: Words and Deeds”

  1. ❤️ Reading this (especially the “honesty cloaked” line) right now is so encouraging, as I have difficult convo after difficult convo and find myself feeling both awful AND calm. I am trying to lean into the experience of calm, reminding myself, “I want people to know that what they see is what they get, always.” Uncomfortable short term, sustainable and healthy–compared to living masked–long-term.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. And … witnessing the mismatch outside me, too, is affirming how important it is to persevere pursuit of consonant words and acts.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yep, yep, yep. Agree! Get it all to line up! 🥰🥰🥰

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    2. Thank you so much for reading, Deborah…means a lot. And those challenging conversations can be so entirely derailing, if I allow them to be. Sometimes I think I would be better off if I was LESS intuitive. Cheers to you for your beautiful statement…uncomfortable short term in order to be healthier over time. Love that. xo! 🥰

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    3. I hear you echo T. S. Eliot’s “Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things.”

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      1. Wow! Wow! Wow! What a quote, EW. Thank you — yes! So perfect. Big, big hugs for sharing it with me.🥰

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  2. I love the creativity Vicki. “I grasp for the kindness, wanting to be believe, But honesty cloaked is always deceit.” So many emotions here. Wow. We must be running into some of the same people. When I feel “managed,” there’s nothing more frustrating. I want to say “just be upfront with me, no games, no lies.” It’s so frustrating. Love the creativity, love the way you’ve expressed the feelings!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had those “manage me” moments. I hate that for you but love the recognition that I’m not alone. Creativity and writing to the rescue! I feel fully purged of the yucky people. Just saying “I see you” and your stupid tricks is super satisfying.
      xo! 🥰

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      1. You go Vicki. Power to you. Power to you too in trying your hand at poetry. I’ve been reading more poetry from our fellow blogger friends. It’s definitely encouraging me more to use it as a tool!

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        1. It’s a great outlet and I bet you would write awesome stuff! Let’s encourage each other! 🥰


  3. First of all, Vicki, this poem is really, really good. Really good. I Hope you will share more with your readers. Secondly, you had difficult conversations with TWO different people who thought they were managing you?! You don’t need people like that in your life. Do you know what Helen Mirren reflected on when she turned 70? It’s worth googling if you don’t! Try: Helen Mirren quote at 70.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, Jane. Thank you so much. I’ve had a couple of poems published many, many years ago and poetry was always an outlet for me. Your delightful comment has made my day. “Really good” is praise that makes me smile, smile, smile. And Helen Mirren? I adore her and I just Googled that interview. What a woman! We should all be that forthright, eh? My new idol. Big hugs to you, dear one! 🥰💕🥰

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  4. Replay, rewind, and fast forward have all become useful buttons on my “life remote”.

    Please never let others’ emotional unhealth keep you from being truthful, honest, and emotionally healthy. You’re worth it!

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    1. I love that! Your “life remote”! And cheers to fending off other people’s lack of health and wellness. Yes! 🥰 Thanks, David!

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  5. Sorry to hear it was a tough week, Vicki. I am glad you bounced back with elegant sentences — very characteristic of you. Here’s to a better week ahead

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for that…oh my…what a lovely compliment. Hugs! 🥰


  6. I’m so sorry it’s been a rough week, but I love that you’ve channel the challenges into something so beautiful (and relatable). When I came to “slithery and practiced” I had to nod my head in recognition. Hopefully the week to come goes more smoothly. 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know it will be better…clearing out the residual ‘ick’ makes way for good stuff. When will I learn? Some people really aren’t worth our time. Older, wiser. Learn from me, Erin! LOL! xo! 🥰

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  7. Deceit is ugly and difficult. Felt this hard. Also, that’s a great last line. Hope those “managers” get a healthy reality check. Glad you have a way to move through and beyond some of the BS — in such an amazing way, too! Sublimation is the best. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a better upcoming week, Vicki! 🙂 Mona

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh…thank you so much, Mona. I’m glad it spoke to you. I hope the week to come will be lovely for you in every way. Appreciate you! 🥰

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  8. I’m glad you have writing poetry as a way to work out how you feel after those challenging interactions. It’s a good outlet, and can be helpful.

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    1. Thanks, Dave! Agree. Write it…release it. 😉

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  9. Wow – what a great practice to restore the calm. I love this line, “The calm. The calm I can claim but it’s just out of reach”

    Beautiful – and I’m sorry. Such a disconcerting experience. Sending lots of love!

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    1. Oh…thanks, Wynne. I’m all good now. I love being in control to work it out. Xo! ❤️

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  10. I didn’t know about your poetry practice. You are a wordsmith of many talents. I like how you knew someone was trying to manage you, didn’t buy into it, then went on to write a beautiful poem. Such a wonderful way to process emotions.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you for all of that, Ally. I’m feeling encouraged and might share more poetry here and there. It’s a great outlet for me. And yes — stupid people who think we don’t “see” their maneuvers. Sigh! 😉

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  11. Other than dirty limericks, I’ve never been much of a poet. I love this! Well done! It speaks to me way more than any man from Nantucket.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. LOL – why thank you, sir. Good to know how I rank! 😜🥰😜

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  12. Writing poetry – what an outstanding process to derail distressing emotions and I’m pleased you are now at peace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for that lovely comment, Mary, and for reading! 🥰

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  13. Wow! A new side of Vicki! Who knew that you had such profound poetry squirreled away, quietly hiding beneath the humor and prose! Manipulators are maddeningly cunning. Sometimes it takes me a while to catch on to their game, but once I do, it’s “Oh boy! Run!” Thank you for another sharing of your heart in yet another form!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love that…Julia “in pursuit” if those blasted manipulators try to mess with you. 😉And yes…I wasn’t sure about sharing this other side…the place when I work out some of the prickly bits with poetry. You are so right! Another side of me. Thank you, Jules! 🥰

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      1. Another beautiful Vicki for the world to enjoy!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Ohhh you are such a sweetheart. Thank you! 🥰

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  14. Wow- I didn’t know you also write poetry- and really good poetry at that, although, I’m sorry you had to deal with whatever inspired you to write it. That last line is a great one 😎 I am starting to develop a better and more mature appreciation of poetry thanks to posts like yours and VJ Knudsen. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Todd. I’m no musician or lyricist but if I could rewind, I’d love to figure out how to translate poetry into music. A million years ago I had an outreach about buying a poem for that purpose and I thought it was a scam…only to learn later on it was not! I should’ve grabbed that brass ring! LOL! 🥰😎🥰

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      1. That’s exciting! Who knows – you could’ve won a Grammy -and you still might! 😎🤩

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        1. lol — you first! 🤣❤️🤣

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          1. 😁 I can’t see the front of the line from where I’m standing 😂

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  15. I’m with you Vicki, and the truth I finally “uncloaked” is that some people will actually fake liking you to get what they want and then trash you when you’re not there. I couldn’t believe this when I discovered this about people I thought were friends but ended up being fakes. I am usually upfront with my emotions, if I’m not fond of you I avoid you and if forced in your presence I’m polite and quiet until I can make a quick exit. I can’t do that fake thing, it just doesn’t work for me, and now I listen to my gut, she’s always spot on. Sorry for the difficulties you’ve been dealing with, you are a treasure. hugs, C

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cheryl…Cheryl…Cheryl…I feel like you crawled into my heart. Yes…exactly as you said…thinking there was a bond, some accord, fondness and finding out that I was only useful…to a point? I thought I’d grown older/wiser/knew better but those two scenarios back-to-back reminded me of how devious people can be when they’re mission-driven.
      I like your approach. Avoid and make a quick getaway, steer clear, when possible. Me, too. I think it’s because I’m worried about the rage that might bubble up if I can’t remove myself. As for the treasure business? That’s you, silly girl. All you. xo! 🥰


  16. […] I wrote “Mismatch: Words and Deeds” recently, he was by my side.  He was near when poetry flowed from my fingertips, helping me […]


  17. […] The Mismatch: Words and Deeds – Victoria Ponders […]


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