It’s a Magical Podcast Friday!

Wynne and I had a delightful chat in our most recent podcast as we talked with writer Dave Williams about his family’s love of books and his sources of inspiration as he writes gorgeous, imaginative stories – often including his own artwork.

I hope you’ll give the episode a listen because we’re gonna fill your creativity bucket. It’ll bubble over as you listen to Dave talk about his writing practices and his ‘why’ for creating. 😊

For some of us, it’s intrinsic, unavoidable – the compulsion to write and wander – seeing connections and storylines between people, things, everyday events. Motivational morsels in abundance. Dave has a knack for seeing the extraordinary which lies in front of us as we move through each day. One of my favorites is, Away from the Orchard. It’s magical…all about a sweet little apple’s epic adventure.  Read it and watch Dave’s “Away from the Orchard” video. Enchanting.

Dave inspires me to open my eyes, think about the ‘what if’s’ – the seemingly implausible – and I love it.  His work reminds me that writing is a deeply personal exercise in self-discovery.  Sometimes we share, sometimes we don’t, but when we get in flow and ideas become sentences…which evolve into stories… about people and things that are wondrously nuanced and real?  Magic right there. 

My musing and mulling about Dave’s gifts and his creative capacity propelled me into search mode yesterday…seeking a beloved quote:

“We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.” 

-Carl Jung

Yes!  Another gem from Jung and I apply his thought to the revelatory nature of writing. Soul work.  The place where we drop snippets of our uniqueness into every story, every creative work – saving just enough to inspire the next project. 

Each time we do so, I believe we’re greeting ourselves in new forms and facets as we move through life.  Dropping our disguise, if you will. Our imaginations and sense of wonder, guide us forward, perhaps in concentric circles of growth?  An upward spiral, tipping our hat to the existential ‘we’ and gleefully leaning into what comes next. 

Thanks to Wynne and Dave for a conversation full of inspiration. Magical!

-Vicki 😊

Links for this Episode:

Episode 51: The Magic of Stories on Anchor

Dave’s blog: Dave Williams

Dave’s author page on Amazon: Dave Williams

Please leave reviews on Amazon for our beloved friends who have published. It helps them immensely!

Wynne’s personal blog: Surprised by Joy

Vicki’s recently released book: Surviving Sue

Wynne’s book about her beloved father: Finding My Father’s Faith

21 responses to “It’s a Magical Podcast Friday!”

  1. Soul work. Yeah…that fits. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A thousand disguises. Oh, that’s good. Where does the path of life take me today. Love Dave’s creativity and how you frame it Vicki, get’s me thinking that creativity is always there to pull me out of any situation I might find myself. An amazing thought!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh…I think you’ve got all of that going for you! Creativity and how you weave a story together. Your imagination is amazing (your post today is a fab example!). I think I forget – writing should be fun – and you bring that reminder to me OFTEN. xo! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes, writing needs to be fun!!!! We have too many other options with video being a big one. 😎😎😎

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m looking forward to listening!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Now this is one beautiful gift – “Dave has a knack for seeing the extraordinary which lies in front of us as we move through each day.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Mary! 🥰


  5. You and Wynne were kind to have invited me on your podcast. Thank you for that, and for your kind words here. You’re right on about thinking of ‘what-ifs’ and expanding our imaginations 🙂 May we never lose our sense of wonder, about being open to that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was our pleasure — thank you, Dave — and cheers to wonder! 🥰

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  6. I was having a conversation this past week about how we share slices of ourselves with the people around us. Like we’re each a pie and depending on who you’re with you give them a different slice from the same pie.

    When you said “the revelatory nature of writing. Soul work. The place where we drop snippets of our uniqueness into every story, every creative work – saving just enough to inspire the next project” I realized you were saying what I was trying to say with my pie analogy. Only you said it much better.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aren’t you kind to share that. Thanks, Ally. I think it’s one of the best things about blogging – all of the ways in which we connect and inspire one another without intending. Just speaking our truth…and I’m so grateful you’re part of my community of friends. I know you don’t intend to…you’re just Ally being Ally…but you sparkle and add joy. You just do. xo to you! 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, I’m flattered. I am me regardless of where I am. Sometimes that is great, other times I wonder if it’s a good thing. Kind of like life in general, I’d say.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. So true…but that’s what makes you delightful. Your observations and wonder and your willingness to share. You just can’t see us when your blogging buds are smiling and nodding…sometimes guffawing…as we read all that you share and relate to. Mwah! 😘

          Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the Jung quote, Vicki. It speaks so succinctly to the joy of writing – finding ourselves. And if we are lucky enough, it also has the power to let our guards down and to reveal our deepest selves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh….I LOVE that you love that one, Ab! I’m glad I went and fetched it because I wouldn’t have gotten it quite right if I was left on my own to paraphrase. 😜 And your addition — the ‘power to let our guards down’…so good. Thank you, dear friend! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I have to check this out. I’ve been so caught up in the unexpected time alone when Larry slipped off to the lake that I forgot about your workshop (I’m so sorry), meetings, and prior arrangements. I just sat there, in that quiet space, and tried to find myself. As you say, “I believe we’re greeting ourselves in new forms and facets as we move through life.” Hugs, C

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey you…don’t trade a moment of your rebooting time for anything Vicki-related! Ya gotta “fill up” when you can and the quiet, unstructured moments are necessary! 🥰❤️🥰


  9. We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life. We are born with archetypes, the subpersonalities are the personal manifestation of the archetypes.

    Liked by 1 person

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