Podcast Friday: Super Stylin’ Edition

I loved talking with Wynne’s sister-in-law Lindsey in the most recent Sharing the Heart of the Matter podcast. 

Lindsey’s a talented creative person who has mad, crazy skills in curating wardrobes, helping clients to simplify and feel good about themselves by honoring their bodies when it comes to styling and apparel.  This isn’t JUST a female issue; I know plenty of men who struggle with ‘what to wear’ conundrums and many of us fail by buying more than we need which is bad for our budgets and worse for the environment. 

I love what Michelle, our environmentally thoughtful friend’s been up to lately – offering encouraging tips for decluttering, including a tough love examination of our clothing.  Lindsey feels the same.  Less is best and we’re often better off if we invest in pieces that have the potential to last more than a season.  That whole ‘cost per wear’ business is a pause-worthy principle.  Invest a little more and wear it forever (or until you’ve fallen out of love with it).  I’ve done that time and again with beloved cowboy boots thanks to my dear papa who made the introduction. “Vicki…meet your favorite footwear.” Dad was a stylin’ kind of guy and I must’ve picked up my love of fine fabrics, and even finer boots – from him.

I’m not sure where my love of black turtlenecks came from…but they’re my fave piece of clothing.  Ever.  In any form.  Sweater…sweater dress, fine knit, chunky knit. I’m an equal opportunity t-neck wearing girl.

Still with me? I LOVED talking fashion, creativity & style with Lindsey and Wynne.

While I was in college, I supplemented my income by helping clients with wardrobe purging and personal styling and I adored working with friends like Lindsey who had a natural knack for color, cut and style. She’s my kind of people 😉 and listening to her insider thoughts about the expression of individuality through apparel made my day.

When Wynne and I podcast, we walk away with insights.  Unexpected a-ha’s which resonate long after the chatting’s done.  This time – with Lindsey – I realized I have an ever-growing need for softness and soothing clothing that envelopes me like a hug. I have my favorite brands of affordable athleisure-wear. My favorite “dupes” of pricey options…ones that won’t break the bank but keep me cozy. I bet you do, too.

“Sensory-friendly” clothing isn’t a new term, but research continues to demonstrate the benefits of softer garments with fewer irritating seams, tags and closures.  What was once thought of as a technique to provide relief and comfort to children with ADHD or those on the autism spectrum, is now good advice for all humans who are challenged by tactile sensory overload.

When the going gets tough, I don’t want a tight waistband or itchy fabric irritating my skin.  Nope. Not when my brain’s on fire tackling life challenges.

Fashion’s more than a fun and creative outlet.  It’s about function and self-care and Lindsey makes it clear – there’s still plenty of room for personal expression in the process.

Vicki 🥰

Transcript for Episode 54

Episode 54: Style & Creativity with Lindsey Bauer on Anchor

Lindsey’s website: Style Lindsey

Lindsey Bauer on LinkedIn

Lindsey Bauer on Instagram: StyleLindsey1

From the hosts:

Wynne’s personal blog: Surprised by Joy

Wynne’s book about her beloved father: Finding My Father’s Faith

Fashion-y Posts from Vicki:

Boot Scootin’ Fun – Victoria Ponders

He Wore Pink… – Victoria Ponders

Comfy Wins! – Victoria Ponders

School uniforms may trigger sensory overload in kids who are sensitive to fabrics – our research can help (theconversation.com)

46 responses to “Podcast Friday: Super Stylin’ Edition”

  1. Oh yes, definitely the soft and soothing attire for me too. Nothing like cozy and comfy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for that! Love that you feel the same. Life is too short to put up with scratchy stuff! 🥰

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  2. I love all that you have to say here, dear Vicki. But the thing that resonates most with me is the note that a good podcast conversation feels so inspiring. I totally agree – it’s so fun to be able to talk with these wondering, creative people and get their insider tips! ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes…yes…and yes! 🥰❤️🥰

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  3. During the worst of the fibromyalgia, anything touching my skin caused pain. I also was working up to surgery for diverticulitis and a shoulder replacement (neither I’d anticipated), so began wearing a dress length tee and sweater around the house, and I guess I pretty well still live that way. Yes, no tags!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for all of that, Joy! Yes, yes. When you’re doing all you can to combat a chronic illness…and more… the last thing you need is to do battle with your clothing. Cheers to comfy! 🥰

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  4. I am past the age of wardrobe concerns, Vicki. Whether this is good or bad is for others to decide. All I can say is that I am comfortable.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Comfort wins, I say. In all circumstances and age groups! 🥰

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  5. Comfort always usurps style here. I have no idea how to be stylish in fact! I just hope no one brings stretchy waist polyester old lady pants back. I have a feeling I will be wearing my softest pair of jeans and a flannel shirt right up to the end…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Same…me and my turtlenecks…you in your fabulous flannel. Just two girls being themselves. Love it! 😎🥰😎

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  6. How fun! I’m looking forward to listening. 🥰 As a kid was diagnosed with tactile sensory overload syndrome (or something similar). Oh, how I despites hair bows, clothing tags, sock seams, and stiff jeans!! I’m less sensitive today, but still all about comfort.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yah…I remember you mentioning that, Erin, somewhere along the way. Great point about hair adornments that are uncomfortable…and stiff jeans. Gosh, yes. Thanks for riding along and listening. Appreciate you! 🥰

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  7. Interesting! One of my friends I grew up with in Wynne’s neck of the woods is a CAbi stylist. She’s all about making women feel good about themselves and what they wear. But she’s too good at it!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love that…and gosh yes. I think you’re right…the most important thing is using apparel and styling to help us all feel good/better. Love that you have a friend ‘in the business’! 🥰


      1. Except that she’s the number two salesperson in the country! Like I said, she’s too good at her job.

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        1. Wow! What an accomplished friend. 🥰

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          1. She was executive vice president of dresses for Nordstrom before she retired. She didn’t like retirement so now she does CAbi.

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            1. Oh my goodness…that’s some pedigree/resume in the fashion world, for sure. I love all of the amazing connections you have to talented people of all sorts, Elizabeth. Just as your talent comes through in all that you do. 🥰


              1. CAbi is Carol Anderson by Invitation. She was a dress designer who reported to my friend at Nordstrom. My friend wouldn’t let her out of dress designing into other things like jackets and pants, so she quit and started CAbi. I think that’s a neat story. Also, my friend grew up in our small town of 5,000 people. Her dad was a middle school PE teacher and her mom stayed home.

                Liked by 1 person

                1. I agree…what a story – and thanks for the background info on CABi. I don’t think I’d put that together. A wonderful example of making your way in the world doing exactly what you love most. So good! 🥰

                  Liked by 1 person

  8. Anyone who’d disagree with the benefits of “softer garments with fewer irritating seams, tags and closures” would be nuts. I look at those variables about as much as anything else. If it isn’t smooth, what is the point of even trying to wear it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you, Ally! Once upon a time I put up with ill-fitting, scratchy clothing…but no more!
      Vive le comfy! 😜🥰😜

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  9. Oh I need someone to help me sort and toss! I wrote a blog about that a while ago. Btw my dad’s dress manufacturing business was in the garment center on 7th Ave in New York City and growing up. I used to get a box of dresses at the beginning of every school year. ( think Mrs. Maizel and that’s what “the place” as he called it was like) it was a always exciting going into his offices and warehouse and seeing all the dresses!
    I think since Covid, all of us are into clothes that are less irritating and more comfortable. Perhaps a silver lining to lockdown.?
    Thanks for sharing your post from a fellow black turtleneck wearer!! XoV


    1. Ohhhh….I need to find your post about wardrobe tidying…I bet there’s plenty there that I will relate to! And what fun — a box of dresses from a Mrs. Maisel like work room — your dad’s business! Wow! I totally agree with you about the silver lining — being comfy and not apologizing. Cheers to black tnecks! Adore you, Vickie!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Yay! Thanks for bringing the post to me – special delivery! How great to have a girlfriend cousin like Andrea to goose you along — and the trick about organizing by color and the hanger trick – so good! Thanks, Vickie — and btw — you look so lovely in the pic with Andrea. Beautiful…and your necklace is stunning. xo! 🥰

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          1. Thank you!!!! the necklace was my mom’s ❤️

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            1. Oh…that makes is extra, extra special. Love it! 🥰

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  10. Personal declutterer and stylist sounded like a very interesting side gig, Vicki! I love decluttering but not much a styling person. 😆

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was so much fun…a great side gig, for sure…compatible with my counseling background. Attachment to “stuff” is so complex. And I love that you love decluttering, too! 🥰🥰🥰

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  11. Interesting look inside the world of fashion! Now that’s I’m not in corporate America I’m all in for “Sensory-friendly” clothing!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m with you, Mary. Comfy wins! (And btw…Lisa says hello — and thanks for the hugs from last week!) xo! 🥰

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      1. Oh, my sweet Lisa I love her hugs from afar! She knows how to make my day!

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        1. Same, same! 🥰❤️🥰


  12. Oh how fun to have Lindsey on! I just followed her on Insta. Thanks for the link. I had no idea she was a stylist.

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  13. And you look great in a black turtleneck! I love them too but lately feel more austere and less free spirit… but those cowboy boots! I love how they keep coming back around. I bought a good pair on sale twenty years ago that are still going strong. Also a black pair from Goodwill I could never go without. They’ve been resoled twice! I’ve always imagined whoever gave them away regretted that.
    I’ll enjoy listening now as I take Fannie for a walk. Thanks, Vickie❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aren’t you the sweetest? Thank you, Deb…my cowboy boot lovin’ friend! I love that you have a fave pair of boots from Goodwill that are prized possessions! Yay! Give Fannie some snuggles from me. xo! 🥰

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      1. ❤️ Ok, just finished catching up a little on my blog reading. Now we’re off! 🐕 🙋🏻

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  14. Nice episode! Even though I’m a major fan of sweatpants and hoodies, I do like dressing up when I get a chance, and I definitely love shopping with my wife and daughters-unless it’s for jewelry then I’m 100% out 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for listening, Todd! You have to be “super stylin” — you’re a fab performer! 🥰😎🥰

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