Don’t Waste the Moments

I had a wonderful, unexpected encounter the other day.

I’m in search mode for athletic shoes that won’t bother my Achilles tendon and Haglund’s Deformity. (How’s that for disclosure right off the bat?) If you don’t know what a Haglund’s issue is, I invite you…err caution you…to Dr. Google it.

I resent the oft-applied label for the affliction as a ‘pump bump’. Signifying that stupid women wore high heels for the sake of fashion, dooming them to pain “later” in life. I was not that person and resent the sprouting of extra anatomy on my feet because finding comfy shoes is now a major pain in the…heel.

My shoe vice? My beloved western boots.  Turns out, breaking in a new pair every couple of years did some damage, slow and steady, undetectable at the time. I built up cartilage where it didn’t belong as my heels did their jobs, accommodating the stiffness of boots.

I choose to blame my dad, Sonny. He had a love of cowboy boots thanks to work that often took him into the great State of Texas and they became a bit of a trademark for him, style-wise. I’ve written about it, if you want to know more about our love affair with boots. Go take a peek.  I’ll wait for you. 😉

As I mentioned, I’ve been in search mode – looking for sporty shoes that will accommodate the extra anatomy on my heels. Name a brand. Any brand. All the brands. I’ve tried them. Giving contenders a walk test in the store, ordering various sizes and incarnations online.

I know what an offset differential means (the mm difference between the toe of a shoe and the heel). I know that a higher ‘stack’ height isn’t a reference to disco platforms. Nope. It means a smidgen of lift, across the entire sole of the shoe, ideal for relieving pressure, if the offset is just right.

Ever optimistic that the ‘just right’ pair is out there, I continued my Goldilocks search when the hubster and I found ourselves in a big box athletic store recently.

Me? I’m in my don’t bother me, incognito look. Dark glasses. And yes, inside – they’re my prescription sunglasses, but they typically ward off unnecessary, idle chit chat with people when I’m focused, too. Bonus!

I didn’t swap out my sunnies for regular eyewear, cause I figured I would do a quick spin and we’d be gone. Hopes dashed once again.  Until…I spied a brand I hadn’t yet tried, so I moseyed over to the display and looked things over – checking out the stack and the offset.

I feel a tap on my right shoulder, soft and tentative, followed by a sweet, disembodied voice. Then I realize…not disembodied, the voice is just coming from the sweetest, most petite looking lady I’ve seen in a long time. Delicate. Darling. Especially compared to behemoth me – all 5’11″ with my cushy platform sandals on. (I refuse to call them ‘recovery’ sandals. I’m recovering from nothing, heel issues notwithstanding – I just like the cush.)

The little lady looks to be a good bit older than me, and I’m amazed she’s looking at running shoes, holding two pair in her trembling hands, asking “Sweetie, could you help me?”

I figure she thinks I work at the store and wants try on shoes in her size. I pull my sunglasses down to my nose and prepare to say, “Oh, I don’t work here, but I’ll find someone for you” and I see she’s got tears in her eyes.

Oh no…. surely not…welling up over running shoes? So we moved to a little bench, and she shared that she’d been wandering looking for help and saw other shoppers but no employees. But when she saw me, she knew I was ‘the one’.  Whaa?

Turned out she had the right sizes in hand; she’d tried on two pairs and couldn’t decide between them. One pair had a beautiful turquoise blue racing stripe, and the other pair was all utilitarian white.

She said she liked both (which I generally don’t believe – it’s just a lie we tell ourselves when it comes to shoes). I suspected she liked the snazzier pair, based on her enthusiasm for that little blue racing stripe and I guessed they were pricier. Blue stripes cost something, right?

Smiling at her and giving her my best look of deep consideration, I saw her tears were gone. Then I noticed her eyes were nearly the same color as the stripe on the racier looking pair, so I say, “You know what? If you really like them both – from a comfort point of view, I think the pair with the blue stripe must’ve been made for you! They match your lovely eyes.”

The tears came again. I didn’t know whether the sweet lady just needed kindness on the fly or if my offhand comment triggered something deep within – a memory perhaps?  As we sat, she began packing up the pair with the blue stripe and said she was going to look for a pretty top in the same color to wear with her new shoes.

As she stood up, she patted me on the hand and thanked me, saying “You’ve made my day. Thank you for taking time for me.”

Wowza. Even now I’ll admit to being slightly teary as I type those words. I’m a believer in positive energy and I’ve aspired to be that person, throughout my life, but I forget. Become self-involved.

I think my encounter with the dear lady about ‘blue stripes or not’ was a reminder to stay open, less focused on myself. Goodness is around every corner if I’m ready to receive.

Which brings me to this.  It’s an anonymous quote, so far as I know. A gem:

Never forget your impact on other people is bigger than you think;

Someone still smiles when they think of the compliment you offered

And the kindness of your sincere smile

Choose to make a positive difference for others

Every day. Don’t waste the moments

Here’s to you and whatever wonder and magic you might find today.

Vicki 😊

75 responses to “Don’t Waste the Moments”

  1. I finally, in High School, bought myself a pair of name-brand shoes. They were “penny loafers”. I was so proud of those things! But then, predictably, my feet grew. I kept wearing them, and ended up with a bump on the back of my right heel. Now I know the name for it. So…thanks?

    I’m so grateful you took time to just be there for that lady. What a gift!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, David! 🥰
      I’m sorry to hear you’ve got the same heel issue…yah. Penny loafers. Oof! 😉🙃😉

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  2. Oh, Vicki, how dear! What a delightful story for an ordinary Wednesday, one that needed a little old lady and that sassy blue stripe! Yes, go with the blue stripe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay to sassy blue stripes! Thanks, Joy! 🥰

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  3. I’ll never look at blue stripes the same way again. What a wonderful chance encounter that maybe was meant to be. 🤔  

    Choose to make a positive difference for others is great advice. I try, I try.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Ally! That blue stripe was ALMOST “Ally teal”…not quite… but just a shade or two away. As for your comment, “I try, I try”…I’d say it this way, “You do, you do”. xo! 🥰

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      1. You’re too kind, thank you. ☺️

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  4. Vicki, you were in the right place, at the right time, with the just the right inviting aura. 🥰 What an amazing story of human kindness! I’m sure that every time she slips on her snazzy striped sneakers, that little old woman will think of you fondly.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. She was really something special…and there WAS a startling quality of familiarity about her…thanks for all of that, Erin. Sending hugs to you! 🥰

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      1. Big hugs back! 🥰

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        1. ❤️❤️❤️

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  5. I don’t know when this happened but I choose to believe it did today becuase today is Global Love Day and what better way to spread love than through kindness toward a stranger.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wowza! I’m off by a couple of days…but we’ll keep that as our little secret, eh? Happy Global Love Day, Michael! 🥰❤️🥰

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      1. I won’t tell anyone. 🫢
        This morning we published a ROAMcare post of all the days in May that celebrate kindness or reaching out to others. Even if it wasn’t the first one because it falls on May 1, Global Love Day would be #1 on my list of cool holidays.

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        1. I need to check my spam blocker! I keep missing the ROAM posts. Thank you, Michael. 🥰

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  6. Ah, so good! The belief in little miracles that happen between us when we open up! Love that you made her day — and shared it with us to make ours as well. Such a fantastic Vicki moment.

    And did you find shoes that would work?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Wynnie Wynne Wynne! Little miracles – right! I don’t know where the tears come from when I think about those simple kindnesses and their impact, but they’re there!
      As for the shoes…um. No. Hard no (emphasis on ‘hard’ – LOL!).
      Feel free to make suggestions! I feel like I’m running through the alphabet of shoes…Brooks, Asics, OnCloud, Hoka, New Balance, Nike….I think Mizuno’s are next up for a tryout! 😜🥰😜

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      1. Oh darn! No suggestions. But when I was having a really hard time with plantar fasciitis, my orthopedist recommended some brand of shoes with a spring in the heel. I drove to a special store to get them, they were really expensive, and the ugliest things I’ve ever worn. But I dutifully tried — and felt like I was going to break my ankle on every step. I’d step down and it would spring my up like I was Tigger bouncing with each foot fall. Walking the dog was comical. 🙂 So I’d recommend not trying something like that… 🙂 🙂 🙂

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        1. You do not play fair, Tigger!! I think I know the brand of which you speak…LOL! I’m giggling so hard right now. You with a literal SPRING in your step! 😂😂😂

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          1. Oh, I’m howling now. Should have kept the shoes for a laugh!! 🙂

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            1. Yessssss! 😜❤️😜

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  7. A fine moment . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, John! It was! Hugs to you! 🥰

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  8. You’re right, Vicki, there’s no finer compliment we can get than to be told that we’ve made someone’s day, that we’ve made a difference to them. Good work! 😊💕

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    1. Thank you, dear Jane! 🥰

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  9. Lately, it’s so beautiful and I’m so grateful to be living where I do, that I am smiling at people and offering compliments. It’s not intentional, it’s just happening. That was a beautiful story about the lady and her blue racing stripes. I’m glad you helped her. Did you find anything for yourself? I have a foot issue, too. I have a growth like a bunion, so it’s the other end of the shoe for me. I can where Asics tennis shoes or flip flops. That’s about it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re the second person, Elizabeth, to suggest Asics, so maybe I need to give them another try – in a different style. I’m sorry you’ve got some wonky foot issues. Annoying, isn’t it?
      Cheers to the smiles and being in the moment with people. All of that comes through in your posts about people, nature, staying connected to things that lift us up. xo! 🥰

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      1. Thank you for the sweet comments. I think mine are Gel-Kayano’s, but they have a variety and maybe one will be right for you!

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        1. Thanks for the tip! 🥰❤️🥰

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  10. Aww what a lovely story, Vicki. I’m sure you made that lovely lady’s day, just by being wonderful you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was nothing really — other than a big reminder to be aware. Thank you, Michelle! 🥰

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  11. What a sweet exchange you had there, Vicki! It’s so funny though, when you said you’re 5″11-I was shocked! Why, I don’t know. All I see is your cute mug and I guess I assumed you were much shorter. BTW, I recently finished “Surviving Sue”. Wow! It was so engaging and authentic. Sad and funny at times too-such is life. One of my biggest takeaways from it is how cold your mom was to you. That broke my heart. Sending you a big virtual hug right now 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are the sweet one! I’m only 5’9” but with those cushy slides on, I gain some inches…which helps with the weird heel issue. 😉 Thank you so much for reading Surviving Sue. I’m honored — and you’re right! Sue was cold but somehow I knew I was never her real target. I appreciate your feedback SO much! Sending big hugs back to you! 🥰

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  12. drgeraldstein Avatar

    A lovely tale and a generous gesture, Vicki. A short woman who was touched by being “seen.” Brava!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! She was special in a way I can’t quite describe…a gift in a petite package! 🥰

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  13. Because of my height, I have been asked on more than one occasion to help folks who aren’t quite able to safely reach the top shelf in a store. I am always glad to be of service, and you can see the appreciation on their faces. Haglund’s officially becomes my “learn something new every day” for today, Vicki. One foot in front of the other…as you continue your journey for the very best footwear!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh…that’s the best line, Bruce! Yes indeed – one foot in front of the other! And I didn’t realize you were tall. I bet you’ve been called into service many times. The hubster Paul is also tall and we’ve often joked about how people assume certain qualities – leadership or helpfulness or something – based on height alone. Maybe my petite friend had good luck with taller folks in the past and I hit that note. Hope you’re having a great day today! 🥰

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  14. petespringerauthor Avatar

    I’m convinced that some people just put out a positive aura that attracts the attention of others. My wife Debbie is all Italian (I mean that in the most complimentary of ways). She’s expressive and has a great laugh. People are constantly coming up and joking or engaging her in conversation. More than once, we get back in the car, and I ‘ll ask, “Who was that?”

    Oftentimes the answer is, “I don’t know.”

    Perhaps the woman just saw you as a helpful soul with a friendly face instead of an employee.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Debbie sounds amazing! I think you’re right – positive auras and good energy can be detected. I’m grateful the sweet lady I encountered saw me as safe and open-hearted. Give Debbie my best! 🥰❤️🥰

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    (You said to name a brand. Any brand. I’m Team Skechers all the way.)

    Tara wears prescription sunglasses indoors, too. But I think she’s just trying to avoid eye contact.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Skechers! I forget about them…thanks for the suggestion and tell Tara I like her style! 😜

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  16. this is a great example of this -refocusing on others and off of ourself

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Beth! 🥰❤️🥰


  17. hola, new balance…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m thinking I need to try some “fresh foam” from New Balance next! Thanks for the suggestions! 🥰

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  18. You will never know Vicki the weight your kindness lifted for that lovely little lady. She needed something in that interaction that you gave her. What beautiful timing that you both came together at that precise moment to learn something from your brief but beautiful exchange.
    These moments are indeed precious and as you said, we must be open to them. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You and I feel the same things so often. That, too, is a beautiful gift. Thank you for all of your kindnesses. 🥰❤️🥰

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  19. Isn’t it amazing the connection you can feel with someone, even though we’ve never met. Thank YOU Vicki for your light and wisdom. I love reading your posts. 🤗💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel the same about you – as a source of light, wisdom, goodness in a world that can be so challenging. Xo! ❤️

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  20. Tears…. Beautiful story – I was on a podcast called LOA – Laws of Attraction – You, Vicki have an energy that attracts others to know you are the one that will help! That story made me smile – XOV


    1. What a wonderful thing to share, Vickie! You’re making ME smile! Thank you so much. And what a terrific name for a podcast, too! I bet you were a fantastic guest. I’ll need to find it and listen in. Big hugs! 🥰❤️🥰

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  21. This is a beautiful story, Vicki. It’s an important reminder we can all do our part to spread a little sunshine and kindness during the day as we never know how it will impact and help others. 💕


    1. You said it, Ab! Yes! Thank you for being an example of that — with your sweet comment to me! 🥰🥰🥰

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  22. This just made my day! I love hearing stories of people being kind! That little old lady needed you yesterday! 💙

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay!!! Thanks for reading, Nancy and for your wonderful comment. Xo! ❤️

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  23. I’m a believer in positive energy, too, Vicki, and you just shared more of it! ❤️

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    1. Right back at you…thanks for your sweet comment…keeps the circle of goodness going!
      xo, Crystal! 🥰

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  24. You make the world the best place one person at a time! I would love to know more about the sweet little lady and the blue-striped shoes, but we will never know for sure how you changed her life as you were both searching for the perfect shoes! So sweet!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mary! I love your positivity and light! 🥰❤️🥰

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  25. After a busy couple of days, a great read this Vicki. Love the kindness, connection, and positive energy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gosh, thanks Brian! I’m grateful to you for the lovely feedback and for reading! 🥰


  26. Love the positivity! And a great showing that a small moment of kindness can mean a great deal to the person receiving that kindness. 🌞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t that the truth? It’s a lesson I’ll never NOT need – LOL. Kindness always wins. Thanks, Dave! 🥰


  27. What a beautiful story! “Thank you for taking time for me”- Imagine what the world might be like if we all followed your example.💚

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    1. I know, right? Me with my dark glasses on…hoping they were like an invisibility cloak…such a reminder to be in the moment, remember how important even the little connections might be. Not just for her – but for me, too! Thank you so much, Todd! 🥰

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  28. Now, I’m crying.

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    1. Aww…I’m sorry/not sorry about that, Kathy. 🥰 I’m not surprised…and that makes me happy. I know you know what I mean, dear hearted one!

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